For researchers


Alcohol abuse is associated with more than 60 different types of health problems with a high economic and social cost.1.

There is evidence that internet-based interventions can be effective in reducing alcohol abuse.2.

The use of the internet in the country is growing exponentially, which characterizes this space as opportune to offer quality health information.3,4. However, there are still few studies that assess the acceptability and effectiveness of these interventions in countries with socio-economic characteristics like Brazil.

Although there are sites in Portuguese that offer information about alcohol, we consider that there is still an important5:

"Disparity between the demand and the supply of quality of online interventions for various health behaviors."

Our methodology

The website's content is based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization for the identification of problems related to the use of alcohol and intervention for brief the use of risk and harmful use of alcohol. Part of the content is also based on the NIAAA classic guide "Helping Patients who Drink too much".

During the development stages, people who consume alcohol were consulted through collective interviews and usability tests. After the end of the first version, its content was evaluated by specialists in brief interventions.

The content respects the rules of the Federal Council of Medicine, Federal Council of Psychology and Health on the Net Foundation


Unless otherwise expressly indicated, the content of the website, including programs, design, texts, and graphics are licensed under the General Public License - GNU, guaranteeing the freedom of using the content of the program for any purpose, modify the program, share with your friends and share the changes you make. See the full GNU GPL license.


Source Code

The source code of the project can be accessed in the repository at github.

Future research

Over the next few years, the program will be evaluated for its effectiveness, feasibility, and efficacy.

We believe in open science. The researches will be published on the program's website, and the databases and statistical analysis will be made available.


If you are a web developer, researcher, clinician, or even an enthusiast and is interested in contributing to the project, don't hesitate to get in touch with us by


1 - World Health Organization (2014). Global status report on alcohol and health, 2014. Geneva: World Health Organization.

2 - Rooke, S., Thorsteinsson, E., Karpin, A., Copeland, J., and Allsop, D. (2010). Computer-delivered interventions for alcohol and tobacco use: A meta-analysis. Addiction, 105 (8), 1381 u20131390. doi: 10.1111 / j.1360-0443.2010.02975.x

3 - Barbosa, A. F. (2009). Research on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Brazil u202f: ICT Households and ICT Companies 2008. São Paulo: Internet Management Committee in Brazil.

4 - Barak, A., Hen, L., Boniel-Nissim, M., and Shapira, N. (2008). A comprehensive review and a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of Internet-based psychotherapeutic interventions. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 26 (2-4), 109 u2013160. doi: 10.1080 / 15228830802094429

5 - Carlini, B. H., Ronzani, T. M., Martins, L. F., Gomide, H. P., and Souza, I. C. W. de. (2012). Demand for and availability of online support to stop smoking. Public Health Journal, 46 (6), 1074 u20131081. doi: 10.1590 / S0034-89102012000600018

Updated at 26/08/2021

Federal University of Juiz de ForaCenter for Research, Intervention, and Evaluation for Alcohol & Drugs at the Federal University of Juiz de ForaDepartment of Computer Science FAPEMIGCNPQ - Science without BordersCAPES